Thursday, 15 September 2016

An A - Z of movies? Whyfor?

As a person, priest, preacher, teacher and trainer the movies have always been an important source of inspiration, illumination, entertainment and puzzlement to me.   Way back when I was a youth leader I used them with youth groups and when working with other leaders.   Some of my colleagues started to ask for advice.     What movies could they use when running residential events to entertain and yet also subtly contribute  to the content?    They knew I would not suggest ‘religious movies’  which their teenagers would quickly spot as propaganda.    So I began running informal workshops at regional and national youth leader training events and later for clergy.  I started providing lists.  In the 1980’s  computer print outs,   in the 90’s a booklet,  then an experiment with RW-DVDs, and at last a blog.     

I also found myself writing longer articles and sometimes study packs to put on the blog.   Writing these helped me explore in greater depth some of the theological and ethical dimensions of some movies.   Of course I do this mainly for my own satisfaction.   If I enjoy a film I want to know why.    I wonder what deep bells it has rung in my heart and soul.    If I dislike a movie I still want to question why.    So writing a shorter or longer introduction to it adds to my enjoyment.    

When I mention theology and ethics I do not mean I am approaching these movies as an academic, or even inspecting then for overt theological content.    I am an ‘incarnationalist’.  I will not divide creation into sacred  and secular.    I believe that divinity is built into everything.   Sometimes it is honoured, sometimes it is defaced.   I also believe that ‘quality’ is a virtue in and of itself.   
A ‘good’ film is a good film and that has nothing to do with its subject matter.   

Of course I celebrate movies that chime with my values, that lift my soul, that seem to reflect the best in humanity.   But a good movie can also explore the darkness, and by doing so honestly can illuminate it.   There are a few films listed I deplore, and I give my reasons. 

Anyway; here is the A – Z, in three blocks for easier access, followed by the articles they sometimes refer to.     I have taken out most - but not all - of the specific ‘teaching points’ and references to scenes in a movie that could illustrate a particular point,  as this is now for a much more general audience.  

You will notice that I do not have a ‘comments’ facility.    I really do not want to get into long discussions or arguments – especially having read the Comments on many other sites!  Sorry, but. 

I would really like to have a ‘search’ capacity to make things easier to find, but I simply don’t know how to do it.    Nor have I found a way to insert high quality pictures.     Any advise gratefully  received via my email;   And of course, even without a Comments button I would enjoy  thoughtful responses, corrections and suggestions.    Enjoy!