The Two Wolves.
‘My child, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all.
One wolf is bad. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other wolf is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.
They battle for control.’
The child pondered, and then asked, ‘Grandfather, which wolf wins?’
The old man replied ‘The one you feed.’
This book is an exploration of how ‘mindfulness’ can bring our minds and hearts together, nurturing the Good Wolf of joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth in our own and other people’s lives.
My book, Feeding the Good Wolf, is an exploration of how ‘mindfulness’ can bring our minds and hearts together, nurturing the Good Wolf of joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth in our own and other people’s lives.
The answers are simple, well known and well proven. But they are not necessarily easy. They take some work, practice and patience.
There are some that help us to relax so we can have calmer bodies, minds and souls,
and some that help us to make friends with our chattering Monkey Brain and have more control over our thoughts - and feelings.
We also explore how we can be the Harbour Masters of our own minds,
and the challenge of the Compassionate Meditation; ‘loving me; loving you; loving them’; so that we may all be well, happy, healthy and as free from suffering as possible and celebrate the knowledge that we can exercise compassion like a growing muscle.
We look at dealing with anger, not denying it but using anger well. I acknowledge that this is hard work - and ask ‘why bother?’
I offer the assurance that letting go of our unnecessary burdens is not self- indulgent, but essential for our onward journey.
I believe compassion very often demands forgiveness, and tell some true stories about how hard that is - and how essential.
Considering the value of interior silence I look to one of the first psychiatrists, a hermit in the Egyptian desert, who found within his psyche eight psychological tendencies that could prevent him becoming as human as he could be.
I share what I learned about anxiety from someone who suffered from it for decades, and then found help through meditation and mindfulness.
I tell you about a serious head injury I once suffered, how meditation helped my recovery, and what I then discovered from neuroscience about the workings of the brain.
I pass on some tips, a few ‘wise words’,
tell you a little about my own Wolves,
and recommend some books to help you on your way.
This booklet is complementary to the CD; both can be used alone. It contains most of the exercises used in the booklet plus other stories and material. |
An introduction to meditation and mindfulness led by Bob Vernon
This CD lasts for 66 minutes and is available for 10 Euros or £10 (post free) from
The book and CD can be ordered via my website,, which has PayPal buttons for either or both.
The book and CD can be ordered via my website,, which has PayPal buttons for either or both.