Monday, 17 March 2014

Has Gravity lost its pull?

Last week I stood in HMV's store looking at the Bluray 3D DVD of Gravity, and wondered what's the point of buying it? 

I was suitably gobsmacked when I saw it last year, having driven over a hundred miles to get to a suitably large screen with 3D,  and that journey was fully justified by the experience of seeing this movie in its proper environment.    The film deserved all it's technical Oscars,   including those of the Director and Cinematographer for their joint massive achievement.    But to see it at home?  

No matter how big a screen you have - or image you can project - nothing could reproduce the immersive experience of  being in space that this film gives in a cinema.     The performance of Sandra Bullock could be admired again of course, and I think this is a more worthy contender for an acting Oscar than hers in the USA crowd pleasing - and politically dishonest - movie  Blindside.    But so much else would be lost.   Movies are made for the big screen, and none less so than this one.   I walked away without the DVD.   Better to remember the initial awesome experience rather than such a diminution.